Marine Studies Building, Oregon State University, Newport, Oregon
Stainless steel, etched mirror, two-mirror, LED, sound elements
266’ x 44’ x 14”
Commissioned by Oregon Arts Commission and Oregon State University, for the marine lab in Newport, This Is Water features 19 internally-lit and etched mirror boxes in the lobby, atrium, and mezzanine. In collaboration with Yost Grube Hall, who designed the building, I etched images from faculty scientists.
“Two young fish swim along and happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods and says, ‘Morning, boys, how’s the water?’ The young fish swim on, then one of them looks over at the other and goes, ‘What the hell is water?’ — David Foster Wallace. This American novelist, whose joke comes from his 2005 commencement speech for Kenyon College, inspired these submarine portholes. Earnest humor connects water to living: We strive to understand the larger experience through which our lives move, which defines our lives and shapes our values. We can engage openly with the world beyond ourselves, which I experienced on campus and in the city. Social interactions resurface as visual and audio recordings of beach walks, surfing lessons, and fishing boats. This installation represents the water through which we all move.